Master in Cybersecurity

Do you want to become a professional in a growing sector? Take this unique master and enjoy its special approach

Nid: 4299



The subject on Ethical Hacking describes the technologies and methods currently used to carry out penetration tests and security audits. From a manufacturers and technologies neutral point of view, this subject teaches how to identify vulnerabilities in networks, systems and applications, to establish the risks associated with each vulnerability and define the necessary corrective actions. In addition, the methodological point of view and the use of the most commonly used tools will be explained to the students during the lessons.


1. Introduction

2. Cryptography and passwords

3. Information Gathering and Social Engineering

4. Network Enumeration, Scanning and Sniffing

5. Hacking

6. Web Hacking

7. Malware

8. Wifi Hacking

9. Physical security


The subject in Log Analysis explains how to obtain and manage information on security-related events. Concepts such as the understanding and correlation of logs are covered, as well as log collection and enrichment for further exploitation, using open source and big data technologies.


1. Introduction to log analysis

2. Log analysis using shell script

3. Log indexing in BigData systems

4. Log exploitation with Big Data

5. Creation of dashboards

6. Creation of rules based on detected patterns

7. Enrichment

SOC and response to incidents


The purpose of the SOC is to provide of horizontal cybersecurity services that increase the capacity for surveillance and threat detection in the daily operation of information and communications systems, as well as to improve their response capacity to any attack.

The student acquires in a practical way the necessary knowledge to know the functions of a security operations center (SOC), the most common services offered, the models of entities that exist and their functions, to have the skills to respond to security incidents, to use the main incident response tools and to know and follow the chain of custody of the evidence acquired.


1. Know the functions of a security operations center (SOC).

2. Know the most common SOC services offered.

3. Know the models of entities that exist and their functions.

4. Have the skills to respond to security incidents.

5. Use the main incident response tools.

6. Know and follow the chain of custody of the evidence acquired.



No company can avoid being compromised. In the times we live in, professionals trained in the art of incident response are required. Since the beginnings of Cybersecurity, we have been trying to answer the famous questions: Who? How? When? Why?

The subject includes methodologies and study of the techniques and tools necessary to carry out investigations within the practice of incident response on compromised objectives, locating and extracting the digital evidence necessary to clarify what may have happened in that incident.


1. Introduction and analysis of malware

  • Introduction to Malware
  • Testing the environment

2. Forensic Analysis

  • Forensics in Windows
  • Memory analysis
  • Analysis of PCAPs
  • Log analysis

3. Incident response

  • Malware and Incident Response
  • Static analysis & Dynamic analysis
  • Threat Hunting


The goal of this subject is to instruct the student in the world of reverse engineering and malicious code analysis. The course explains the processes to understand the operation of the files that work at a lower level in systems and networks. The program also covers, from an auditor's point of view, the identification of unknown vulnerabilities and the development of exploits on the client side.


1. Programming languages, compilation, linking, debugging and first reversing

2. Binary formats

3. Dynamic chargers/loaders

4. Static analysis

5. Dynamic analysis

6. Analysis of protected binaries

7. Analysis of shellcodes

8. Reversing of obfuscation and encryption algorithms


This subject introduces the student to the cyber intelligence environment. First of all, the types of threats existing in the networks are analyzed, mainly related to fraud, phishing and malware. Case studies are included where different types of threats are radiographed and existing countermeasures are analyzed.


1. Presentation of the subject

2. Debate on the objectives of the intelligence units

3. Concept and components of intelligence

4. Threat Management

5. Drafting of reports, presentation of results.

6. Classification of vulnerabilities

7. Anatomy of APT attacks and how to defend yourself

8. Social Engineering

9. Introduction to OSINT

10. Applying OSINT to our investigations

11. Cyber ​​Intelligence Laboratory

12. Presentation of papers

13. Final exam



This chapter provides the necessary knowledge for the student to be able to perform security audits of web applications and services to detect security problems and implement prevention and improvement solutions. It also covers how to develop secure web software and how to deal with the design of robust infrastructures.


1. Introduction

2. HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

3. HTML injections, iFrame, SQL, etc.

4. Authentication and session management.

5. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).

6. Direct Object References (DOR) Insecure.

7. Configuration errors.

8. Exposure of Sensitive Data

9. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

10. Other vulnerabilities


The CyberSecurity Ecosystem module covers the concept of "layered security" within business environments, which is very common in both SMEs and large companies. The student acquires the necessary knowledge in a practical way to be able to manage different security systems, implementing cybersecurity scenarios in a practical way with the most advanced tools of some of the main security manufacturers: network protection using Next Generation Firewalls (NGFW), etc.

master's final project


The objective of the Master's Thesis is to carry out a project that integrates and puts into practice the knowledge that has been acquired from the different modules of the Master. This project will be assessed by means of a presentation in front of a jury.