Master of Science in Data Science La Salle Campus Barcelona URL

Master of Science in Data Science

Become an expert in analysing, structuring, filtering, visualizing and valuing the production of generated data

Nid: 5396

Incoming profile

The Master in Science in Data Science complements the degrees in Engineering and Management of ITs and opens the possibility to admit students of degrees in Mathematics and Physics who seek concrete practical application in data science.

Likewise, profiles newly incorporated into the labour market will obtain specialised training that will allow them to optimise their professional career: IT professionals with an interest in consulting; Engineers, architects and urban planners involved in Smart or Green Cities projects that require a large volume of data and therefore an analysis of the data; etc. The program presented allows a complete training in all aspects of data science.

Specifically, those who have a qualification in the following areas, can access the master::

  • Graduates in Computer Engineering, Telecommunications, Telematics, Multimedia.
  • Graduates in Engineering in Organization of the TIC.
  • Graduates in Technological Business Management.
  • Graduates in Physics or Mathematics.

Graduates in other official university degrees may be admitted at the discretion of the Admissions Commission, taking into account their professional experience and their curriculum vitae in general. Students are required to have knowledge in probability, statistics, mathematical analysis and linear algebra. It is also recommended to have programming skills..

Equivalent qualifications from other members of the EEES or from other countries with agreements with the educational system of the EEES will be admitted, with a previous authorisation from their home universities, validating an training level equal to that of the postgraduate studies level.

Access in this way will not imply, in any case, the validation of the previous degree held by the subject, nor its recognition for other purposes than that of studying this master.